Words in progress contro l’odio pratiche artistiche ed espressivo-corporee dentro e fuori la scuola

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Laura Pomari Vaninka Riccardi Roberta Villa


We present a project of intervention in a conflictual situation at a kindergarten, due to a different educational model of the teachers and the migrant families. The methodology arises from the mix between theatre and anthropology practice: the team are composed of two theatrical operators, a cultural anthropologist and a psychomotricist; the professional experience involve artistic and expressive-body practices as social change agents. The project is structured through different action within and for the school and then open up to the territory; particularly I Racconti in Lingua Madre for the families and the training Sentire e Comprendere for teachers. The action against hate promotes change and development as a part of the educating community through the purpose to build a self-learning school. The result of the project is a bridge of relationships between school and families, working on the sense of belonging to a common social fabric.

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How to Cite
POMARI, Laura; RICCARDI, Vaninka; VILLA, Roberta. Words in progress contro l’odio. Antropologia Pubblica, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 1, p. 109 - 130, july 2020. ISSN 2531-8799. Available at: <https://riviste-clueb.online/index.php/anpub/article/view/173>. Date accessed: 09 sep. 2024. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1473/anpub.v6i1.173.
Contrastare l’odio. L’uso dell’antropologia nella comunicazione pubblica a cura di Pietro Meloni e Francesco Zanotelli