Esperire l’alterità. "Migrantour" tra turismo e riqualificazione Riflessioni a partire da un’etnografia delle passeggiate interculturali di Porta Palazzo a Torino

Main Article Content

Sara Iandolo


This work analyzes intercultural tours of Porta Palazzo and their role
in building symbolic and economic value around places of multiculturalism. The
ethnography of Migrantour, which guides tourists to discover otherness in the “world at
home”, has made it possible to maintain two levels of analysis: the first concern of how
cultural difference is produced and consumed as a commodity in the tourist experience.
The second has to do with the co-production of the place as a touristic attraction: walkers
and tourists, when they consume the place and the otherness that marks it, contribute
to produce it. The tours encourage mechanisms of aestheticization and exoticization of
migrants through selective narratives and cultural stereotypes and the display of objects,
food and people, creating symbolic value that big investors capitalize on, contributing
to activate gentrification and touristification process. For these reasons, in the case of
Porta Palazzo, responsible tourism cannot be entirely separated from mass tourism: on
the contrary, the two phenomena are extremely intertwined and very often the former
feeds the latter.

Article Details

How to Cite
IANDOLO, Sara. Esperire l’alterità. "Migrantour" tra turismo e riqualificazione. Antropologia Pubblica, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 1, p. 203 - 214, july 2021. ISSN 2531-8799. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 03 july 2024. doi: